Anybody know if an IP4 controller is available or when it may be released?
There is no IP4 currently.
What exactly are you looking for? There are a lot more differences between the IP1, IP6, and IP8 than just the number of sources they control at the same time…
That’s an interesting little Easter Egg you found.
I also think there is a market for a wall style IP with more buttons (to make operating things a little easier) than the IP1 currently offers, so I think this offering could be well received in the permanent installation market.
Well spotted and happy to confirm that an IP4 is indeed coming. We showed prototypes at the ISE Show last year and are looking at releasing more information and shipping early 2025. As the AHM System Manager interface indicates, this will be a wallplate controller with 4 programmable buttons, in the same EU or US form factors offered with the IP1. Software support will initially be AHM and later dLive and Avantis.
It’s out now. But ik looks terrible imho. It looks like a lego piece. I really miss a display like on the ip1 and two more buttons…
It’s out now. But ik looks terrible imho. It looks like a lego piece. I really miss a display like on the ip1 and two more buttons…
I suspect the graphics used on the site make it appear worse than it really is and the buttons are not going to be as “glass like” and jarring as the graphic makes it seem. If you actually study the graphic, the buttons look like “PAFL” buttons found of the various A&H consoles. I also suspect the colors will match the green, blue, and red colors also found on the existing console lineup.
I think the graphic appears so “glassy” in an effort to convey the fact that the buttons will be backlit in addition to having the small LED indicator on them. However I would expect the actual backlight to be fairly subtle in real life.
By designing the IP4 to use the same buttons they already have in their other products, A&H would save time and money. So there is a financial reason why A&H wouldn’t redesign these buttons to be completely new.
I’ve held a prototype and the button are very much like those on the front of the AHM. Solid feeling silicone with a nice resistance and good glow.