AHM WAV playback tries to play metadata = click/distortion


I was getting nasty clicks at the end of WAV files. I’ve traced it to the presence of various metadata in WAV files, which can include things like loudness, encoding history, start timecode etc. DAW software typically writes this information when bouncing down. Lots of apps do. My interpretation is that the AHM is trying to “play” these few bytes at the end of the file, when it should be ignoring them.

Here is a zip download with two short WAV files of identical content. Both written by Magix Sequoia. The only difference is that one of them has had the metadata stripped out of it, and is therefore 1KB smaller.


Mediainfo reports from each:

Clicky version with metadata

Complete name                            : F:\Research & Development\Speaker-ID\Bounces\Speaker-ID-4816_2ch_with_metadata.wav
Format                                   : Wave
Format settings                          : PcmWaveformat
File size                                : 1 023 KiB
Duration                                 : 5 s 449 ms
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 1 538 kb/s
Encoded date                             : 2025-03-12 13:58:35
Encoding settings                        : A=PCM,F=48000,W=16,M=stereo,T=Sequoia software

Format                                   : PCM
Format settings                          : Little / Signed
Codec ID                                 : 1
Duration                                 : 5 s 449 ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 1 536 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Stream size                              : 1 022 KiB (100%)
LoudnessValue                            : -22.97
LoudnessRange                            : 3.00
MaxTruePeakLevel                         : -7.52
MaxMomentaryLoudness                     : -19.53
MaxShortTermLoudness                     : -24.31

Metadata stripped

Complete name                            : F:\Research & Development\Speaker-ID\Bounces\Speaker-ID-4816_2ch_no_metadata.wav
Format                                   : Wave
Format settings                          : PcmWaveformat
File size                                : 1 022 KiB
Duration                                 : 5 s 449 ms
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 1 536 kb/s

Format                                   : PCM
Format settings                          : Little / Signed
Codec ID                                 : 1
Duration                                 : 5 s 449 ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 1 536 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Stream size                              : 1 022 KiB (100%)

Hope this helps development.


Thanks for reporting this - I’ve reproduced it here. We’ll investigate what’s happening!