Connect mixer to external WiFi wirelessly

I’m not sure how that feature should be named. The idea is that CQ could connect as client to external wifi signal. After that you can access CQ when connected to that external WiFi. I know that Ui24R has that feature. This could be useful in places where it’s not possible to connect CQ to the external router with wire and you need to have internet and CQ on the same WiFi.


I just received a unit today and am surprised that this is not an option. To have your iPad unable to connect to the internet or other parts of your local network while you are using CQ is really unfortunate.


I back up this request, even if you can do that kind of thing with a wired “router”…

Another vote for this feature. At home, or your private studio, etc, it would make sense to able to use the existing WIFI, and be part of the LAN. On studio work it is often good to be able to be connected to internet with the same computer that is running DAW, CQ control etc. I can get past this issue now, using the Ethernet, to connect the CQ at home, and WIFI for the internet, but everybody does not even have a Ethernet connection today.