Would it be possible to change the behaviour of the Topic pictures in the list?
At the moment, they show the last contributor.
I would prefer a list of contributors or the icon of the topic starter.
An example from the Steinberg forum:
Would it be possible to change the behaviour of the Topic pictures in the list?
At the moment, they show the last contributor.
I would prefer a list of contributors or the icon of the topic starter.
An example from the Steinberg forum:
I agree that it is weird to see the icon of the last commenter.
I was surprised that no one had mentioned this before, because of course it would be much more logical if the author’s icon was visible next to a post.
Please allow me to make a few comments on the new forum:
It seems to me that the names of the authors were forgotten in the topic overview.
It would be nice if the nickname appeared as the name again, like in the old forum.
(Strangely enough, the nickname of the old forum is now the optional “Full Name”)
It would also be nice if the name of the last poster was displayed again and you could jump directly to their post.
For my taste, far too much text is displayed as a preview of a topic (up to 4 lines on a desktop!)
On the mobile phone, the entire screen is filled with the preview of a single topic.
And before the first topic can even be seen, there is a screen that is filled exclusively with the huge forum heading (3 big lines!) and the search field.
I know that this may all be very modern in some way, but I’m probably rather old-fashioned and too matter-of-fact.
And is there somewhere where I can turn off the “New & Unread Topics” section under every last post?
Thank you.
May I ask why the topic “change usernames” was answered promptly with an invisible DM and then immediately closed?
A week ago I also mentioned here that it would be nice to be able to see the names that we have known for a long time, but that would currently only be possible by changing the username.
There has also been no response to SteffenR’s and Brian’s posts.
I closed the ticket because it was a direct request from one person - it didn’t merit discussion from others.
As for the other things - we’re still feeling our way with the new forum so please bear with us whilst we get used to the new systems and work on various improvements. A&H staff regularly check the forums but we might not get to respond to every question or point - I think the opening point in this thread is a good one and we will definitely discuss it in good time.
That’s how every topic actually starts.
But I’ll ask the same question again here:
What to do to change my username?
Also agree to change this behaviour
To change your username, click on your profile picture top right, go to Profile Preferences → Account, and update the Username field.
Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately there is no “Username field” in my account that I could update.
I can only change my profile picture (pen), my email address (wrench), and my name (field).
The latter is currently “full name” - but it used to be a nickname, which I would like to use again as the name visible in posts, like in the old forum.
I also would like to know how to change my username. It appears like the ability to edit it is disabled.
Hi all,
If you’d like to change your username, send me a quick DM and I can sort this out for you.
@SQuser and @J_McRib - I’ll DM you as you’ve already asked.
FYI The avatar behaviour has now been changed to show the original poster for each topic.