Apologies if this is more a question than a request and it’s already possible. But I’ve found that, when setting gain for a stereo pair, I need to unpair, set each level individually then repair. And, because the performance isn’t necessarily identical, there’s a chance that one of the two channels could be set higher or lower accordingly. If I set the gain without unpairing first, only the left channel is set.
Did I miss something or could this be fixed in an update?
I think you’re misunderstanding how this works. When you pair the two Input channels to act as a stereo pair, all of the Controls -with the exception of panning - are identical between the two input channels. So when you Adjust the input gain and run the fader, You are controlling both input channels equally the same. The same with FX. To change the width of the stereo field of a paired channel, select the input channel that represents the paired input channels and use the rotary knob to adjust the stereo width.
I’m not talking about the position of the fader for that stereo pair, I’m talking about setting the input gain on the Config page - whether manually or by using Auto Set in the Gain Assistant. I don’t seen to be able to edit my post above to make that more clear, sadly. Thanks.
The input gain is set in the Preamp section on the Channel Processing page. It is my understanding that setting input gain on the active input channel (ex. input channel 1 if inputs 1 and 2 are paired) will set the exact same amount of gain for each of the paired input channels. I don’t use auto-gain so I cannot comment on that.
I’m sorry if I am not fully understanding your post.