Inexpensive Tablet for AHM Custom Control

Hi there!

I’m working on an installation that features an AHM 32. Everything has been planned, including the budget – now my client has some more wishes but not really more money (public administration in Germany, no further comments).

Basically what I need is a few volume sliders “for free”. Looks like this could be done with the Custom Control App.

But which tablet would people suggest? It should be probably a small tablet, like 10" or even smaller.

Also, because I couldn’t find this information: What is the minimum Android version required by Custom Control?

I assume the GPIO on the back of the AHM32 can only do switches, not pots, right? Because like 4 pots in a rack plate would do the job, too. (I know that there is a separate GPIO module, but it’s not possible with the budget.)

Thanks for your time

Hi @docdocdocdoc
Custom Control requires Android version 6 and up.

You are right in saying that the GPIO is for switching - for hardware level control we’ve got the IP range of controllers, and of course CC.

The AHM online training sessions are a good place to learn more about this - - the next one is on January 12th.

Look at the IP 1.
You can set a crosspoint input select for the first knob, select your range of inputs (needs to be consecutive).
the second knob becomes the level control for that ip to the specified zone.

There are so many considerations to think about when selecting a tablet to use. For example…

Does the tablet need to be wall mounted? There are companies (like Vidabox) that make very nice looking tablet wall mounts that can even include power for the tablet. However you want to make sure you decide on the mount before deciding on which tablet to get because not every mount will be compatible with every tablet.

If not wall mounted, does the tablet need to sit in a dock normally so that it is always charged when not used? Obviously most tablets don’t have a accessory dock, so if this is needed, it will limit your choices. Some of the Amazon Fire Tablets have a dock available. I use several at my house (for home automation purposes) and they work well. However not every model/year has a dock available, so be sure to do your research first.

For example, the 11th Gen Amazon HD10 Plus Fire Tablets have an accessory dock available. You can get the 11th gen tablets still from Amazon (even though they are not the latest generation) for about $165 USD currently. The wireless charging dock for the HD10 Plus 11th Gen is about $35 USD on Amazon. So for about $200 USD, you could have a pretty slick setup to use with Custom Control.

PS - some of the Amazon Fire HD8 tablets also have a dock available, so if you wanted a smaller tablet this might also be a good choice as well.

Amazon Fire Tablet HD10 Plus 11th Gen:
