Out5 Level Automatically Changing

I’m using Out5 for IEM.

Out5 ‘Input Send Levels’ is set to ‘Pre Fader’.

Click track from Reaper routes to Ip5 (set as Digital).

Ip5 output level to MainLR is set to Off. (Don’t want to hear the click in Mains).

Ip5 output level to Out5 (IEM) is set to 0dB.

When I press play in Reaper, Out5 level for the click track immediately drops to Off.

I can manually turn the level back up while it’s playing and it works fine until I Stop/Start Reaper.

I have Drum and Bass tracks routing from Reaper to Out5 and they work perfectly fine, so not sure what gremlin I’ve introduced to Ip5.

Any suggestions?

Check that you haven’t inadvertently recorded any MIDI messaging which you’re then playing back to the CQ. e.g. a send level message for Ip5 to Out5.
The easiest way to see if this is the case might be to completely disable the CQ as a MIDI device in Reaper.

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You nailed it Keith. Appreciate your help!

