While I’m not planning on doing this, at least while in warranty, I was wondering about the feasibility of powering a CQ-12T with a power bank, could make a great portable solution!
The CQ-12T uses a 12V 5A power supply, but according to the specs the max power is 35W. So would a 12V 3A supply be sufficient as that’s a much more common spec when it comes to power bank outputs?
Hi Jayb,
It is possible to power a CQ using a power bank.
But pay attention to 12VDC stability and ability of the PB to deliver at least 3A even if CQ doesn’t require 3A permanently (depends on fan or not, …).
Here is my solution as I often have to play outside without access to 230 or 110AC.
2x Gemini GPSS650 (Battery powered speakers)
1x CQ-12T
1x Flashfish 200
You will also need one cable 5.5/2.1 to 5.5/2.5 (CQ standard) ground outside
Tested during 2 hours with no problem.
If you need pictures, tell me ?
Regards, Joseph