Predelay on Reverbs and 3 band eq on fx bus

For my needs i’m tatally missing predelay control on Reverbs, having this control it’s so crutial to define space separation on mixes. On 1.2 update was great addition having 2 band EQ on FX buses, but it would be great to have at least 3 bands available for further control. Thanks in advance for listening! <3

I agree, pre delay is a must.


Yes please, predelay control for reverbs. :slight_smile:

+1 for predelay, I think that it is a must!

Predelay is a must add on reverbs! I was so disappointed when I found out this amazing mixer is lacking that crucial feature. Also a regular PEQ on the effects would have made such a difference as well. You get that with most competing products out there. The EQ, Compression and Preamps on this mixer are amazing. It is a pity to keep it limited like this. I’m sure more people would buy it if it had this feature alone.