Reverb Expert Mode

Hi everyone, I’m a new user of the CQ-12T mixer.
I suggest developers implement an expert mode for the reverb effect. It is a must-have effect for live use and its flexibility could make the difference.

Expert mode should give the possibility to adjust some parameters, such as predelay, decay, decay rate for low and high frequencies, modulation rate and depth for the reverb tail, etc…
I find these features to be essential for a modern machine like the CQ-12T.

Another very useful addition could be the ducking for the reverb.

I ask anyone interested in these features to comment below and raise awareness among the developers who, from what I understand, read the forum and take inspiration from our suggestions.

I’d also like to see more control options for the reverb effects, so +1!

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Also, +1 for tailoring reverbs. For example, I’m a drummer and would like to design several flavors of gated reverb…

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I suppose for ducking it could collect the channels to use from user input ie if you wanted to Duck bas v Vocal Line you tell the software which channel your Bass and Mic are input to, else how would it know?

The Expert mode re any FX would probably be useful but it might be a differentiation point already between the CQ and mixers higher up the A&H food chain. Perhaps any SQ users on here could comment.

+1 for more control options for the reverbs !

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