I updated one of our sq7 to 1.6 and the stereo states of inputs and mixes are not being recalled in scenes. Is there some unnamed button to make this work?
Hi there,
Please check that the Recall Filters/Global Filters are set to Allow both of these parameters.
Youll find these in Scenes>Global Filter>Other
Scenes>Scene Manager>Recall Filter>Other (on a per-scene basis)
Hope this helps,
Ha - after 13 hours, 2 answers at the same minute.
But “&” took precedence, of course. ))
Thanks, I knew there had to be something unmentioned to it.
Hi all, both buttons I have “Allow” set. But still dont get my SQ5 to do this right. It seems to work when your scène is “going” from mono—>stereo. But back from stereo—>mono does not work. Is there anyone SQ5 user where this is accurate working?
Can anybody confirm this is working at an SQ5? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but cannot think what…
Thanks for any help!
You have to allow it in 2 windows / taps:
- scene recall filter (per scene)
- global recall filter
I got it work! Thank you!
Thanks for all the help! I always forget those settings as I don’t seem to ever need to change them, until, ,