Stereo Width or Ganging / Linking without Stereo

Hi there!

Yesterday I had my first gig with the CQ-12t + an Access Point. I’d say it was the perfect situation for that little desk – 4 mics, 2 of on a lectern.

What I’d do on the SQ is: Put the lectern mics into a gang so that I can control their parameters together, but put them out mono. Then I’d let the automixer do the balancing between the two.

On the CQ, I can only create stereo links. While simplicity is key here for amateur users, it keeps me from doing the lectern thing – I’d either need ganging or an adjustable stereo width (setting stereo width to zero in that case). If I had to chose, I’d go for the adjustable stereo width since also in some amateur music situations, 100% stereo may be too much (think Hammond organ simulations).

A workaround is to use the channel linking of MixingStation, but I’m not sure what happens when I use the desk’s touch screen directly, which is an option I’d always like to have.


+1, it also annoys me. to set the stereo image, I need to de-link, but then I need to copy paste all settings back and forth!

I was also annoyed mixing a show with stereo keyboard and wanting to narrow the width. Seems like a basic feature for stereo channels.

+1. It would be a nice improvment !

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