Turn off in custom layer, boot in custom layer

I’m sure this has been discussed before but years later it still seems dumb to me that every single parameter of the state of the board is retained when you turn it off then back on other than what layer was selected when you turned it off. This is a minor quibble for sure, but just seems strange. Why can’t that one setting be retained and recalled when the unit powers on? As it is I will continue pushing those two buttons upon boot every single day I suppose.

About what setting do you write?
You want to boot in the custom layer?

yes. The mixer seems to retain every state of the mixer when turned off other than the layer it was on. Is that not true?

Actually it does not. It does not retain what channel was selected either. Oh well. Anyway, I guess there are just some things that are not part of a “scene” and those are not retained. Such as channel selection or what layer the mixer is on.

There is an option for “custom layer only” and it will boot directly to the custom layer.