USB Interface

Hi all, new guy to the forum, but I’ve been using my CQ18T for almost a year now. Great little mixer. Mostly I run sound from the stage for my band. It’s a rare occasion that we get a gig good/big enough to justify hiring a sound engineer!

My question is related to the USB connection and using the CQ as an audio interface. I’d like to use my iPad to play some backing tracks and click/cues through an app that does this.

I believe I will be able to use the CQ as an audio interface, that shows up in the iPad app/settings, using the USB-B jack on the CQ. (although if I’m wrong someone can correct me!)

My main question is regarding 5V USB power. Typically this would be provided from USB-A connectors, not USB-B connectors, but are there any settings to enable a 5V USB power on the USB B connector? This way I would not have to charge the iPad at all while it’s plugged into the CQ.


Hi @Geoff

CQ’s USB-B audio interface is class compliant, so yes, it can be used with an iPad.
The power provided by the USB-A socket (the only 5V sent out from the CQ) is designed only to power a USB drive, so you would need to use a separate power supply to charge the iPad faster than the power is being used anyway, even if there were a simple way to get that power to the iPad and connect to the USB-B port at the same time.
I’d suggest instead that you try a dongle or camera connection kit which includes a power input/through connection along with at least one USB-A socket, enabling you to power the iPad and keep connection to the CQ.


Thanks Keith, that was my suspicion. glad to have it confirmed. Happy Thursday :smiley:

Following up here. Yesterday I tried connecting my iPad to my CQ18T via the USB-B connector. It seems like the iPad detected the CQ fine, the output settings in the Stage Traxx app updated to show the routing options on the CQ. However, I only see three options in the app as outputs:

  1. CQ18T - Audio
  2. CQ18T - Audio (Left)
  3. CQ18T - Audio (Right)

Are there only two inputs (L/R) available when using the CQ in this way, or do I have something set up wrong? I was hoping to have four (mono) inputs to use here.



CQ’s USB interface has two modes, stereo and multitrack and for more than stereo (if supported by the app of course), you need to ensure you’re set to multitrack.
There’s a video here showing how to set this up, mainly for a computer, but the process is the same -


Thanks Keith - I’ll see if I can get that working in Multitrack mode then; thought I was already, but I’ll doublecheck later today.

Just to follow up, this works great. I can see all the channels now in the stage traxx iOS app, and have routed my tracks to 17/18, and the click and cues to 15 and 16 respectively, which is exactly the way I envisioned it working.

One question though - I notice that the channel count goes up to 24. I assume the additional channels above 18 represent the Bluetooth input and other “soft” inputs? If so, can they also be used as inputs, and free up the actual analog inputs for anything else I might want to add?



Yep! The stereo ‘soft’ inputs you mention do not appear on the CONFIG screen, but you can switch them to use the digital/SD/USB input from the preamp screen when using a complete channel.
Glad you got it all going as you wanted :slight_smile:


Thanks Keith!

I have 6 stereo BU tracks carefully two mixed on an SD card placed in ST#1 with a soft key assigned for Start/Stop function. It’s a no brainer!