Xone:23C / Audacity - recording issue

Am struggling here. Any tips would be much appreciated.

I’m a hobbyist DJ, running two vinyl turntables into the Xone mixer, and recording them via a USB cable to my PC, which is running Audacity. Nothing has changed in my setup for years.

Today, for some reason, Audacity isn’t picking up any audio at all. It recognises the Xone and selects it as the default recording device. Levels look fine on the mixer and sound fine via my speakers. But zero signal on Audacity. I tried installing Goldwave as a check - same issue.

It’s driving me mad, because I spent the past two weeks preparing a set that I want to record for an old friend’s 50th birthday … and I’m running out of time!

Any ideas?

Replying to myself! I have now updated the Xone driver and checked the firmware is up to date. Audacity is still recognising the mixer, and still NOT recognising the sounds that I am hearing.

New new update for the hordes of people that are captivated by this unfolding drama: when I open the PC’s volume mixer it also shows the Xone as the default line in device (when it’s connected) but when vinyl is playing the little volume bar next to the Xone device symbol is also not showing any audio coming through - so, it’s not just Audacity that isn’t picking up a signal. The machine itself isn’t recognising anything. The volume bar for other devices (the internal mic) is picking up and measuring sound as normal.

Makes me wonder whether it’s just a cable issue. But if the PC is recognising the Xone, doesn’t that suggest the cable is working?


You may get a response from other users here, but you can also contact us directly by submitting a ticket via support.allen-heath.com and one of the Xone specialists will be able to assist.
