Shutdown is an archaic procedure, useless and not in conformity with reality. Instead, a simple “On Off”, with loss of the last settings should be acceptable.
Question: Why this procedure? Electrically nothing justifies it. The general switch often present in the rehearsal room should be enough.
Of course, the last settings are lost, but even that could be avoided by the software…
It’s hardly a gross inconvenience to shut a piece of equipment down in an orderly manner. I’ve seen many a ‘pull-the-plug’ operator bleating about a lost show or a malfunction: never understood the mindset TBH.
It has always been of my opinion that you should never shutdown any sort of computer (which I consider digital audio consoles/mixers to be) by just hitting the power switch or pulling the plug. I have seen too many computers get corrupted operating systems or software from improper shutdown procedures over the years.
Obviously no one needs to worry about hard powering off their CQ without shutdown first, as long as they have no data traffic to USB/SD at that moment.
In the early days, the CQ didn’t even have this shutdown option.
Just like “removing” a USB drive from a computer’s OS prior to unplugging it, the CQ’s “shutdown” sequence is more about managing the memory functionality of the device than anything else. Powering down the console without going through the proper “shut down” sequence always runs the possibility that the system is interrupted while writing something to memory which could cause corruption. It likely won’t cause a problem most of the time, but it could be an issue which is why the “shut down” procedure exists in the first place - to ensure it doesn’t cause a problem.
All modern OS have a shutdown procedure, so all running processes and File systems can be shut down gracly and so whatever they need to ensure state safety.
Windows, Mac and Linux, just like Android all have a proper shutdown procedure, and as all OS’es grow it becomes more and more important to follow the shutdown.
7/10 pc’s mac’s and more I have to perform “IT CPR” on, has crashed due to people just shutting off power and not tell the system to shut down properly.
Shutdown “procedure” have nothing to do wit OS considerations but with business… And all “modern” OS have a “Non Shutdown” capability to offer solutions for industry.
It is creasy to realise hom much people are redy to obei on new “necessity”…